Oneshot AI

AI-Powered Messaging
That Drives Results

OneShot turns deep research into personalized, high-impact messages across email, LinkedIn, and cold calls—instantly
The Problem

Generic Messages Are Holding You Back


SDRs send generic outreach that fails to connect

Too Slow

Personalizing each message takes too much time

Low Conversions:

Without tailored messages, outreach doesn’t convert

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AI integrations made easy

AI-Messaging That Stands Out

Instant Personalization

AI crafts unique messages based on deep research—no more cookie-cutter outreach

Multi-Channel Ready

Effortlessly create messages for email, LinkedIn, and cold calls

Aligned with Prospect Pain Points

AI matches messaging to what prospects care about.

Free Up Time for Cold Calls

AI handles the busy work so SDRs can focus on what really matters

Consistent Quality at Scale

Send high-quality, personalized messages across channels, 20-30 times a day

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AI-Powered Messaging

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AI at Your Fingertips

Messaging Works

Tailored for Every Channel

AI personalizes outreach for email, LinkedIn, and cold calls

Always Relevant

AI aligns messages with your prospect's pain points

Higher Engagement:

Targeted personalized messages lead to better responses

Scale with Ease

Reach more prospects with personalized messages, without sacrificing quality.

Meet Oneshot

Your AI Messaging Assistant integrates seamlessly with your existing tools: Outreach, Salesloft, Apollo, Salesforce, Hubspot
AI- Driven Personalization
Multi-Channel Messaging
Effortless Relevance
Save Time, Scale Easily

Revenue Leaders Talk About OneShot

"We are scaling quickly and our TAM is huge, so we can't effectively speak to everyone. OneShot has enabled us to conduct high-quality outbound communication without additional hiring. Plus with the intent signals, we know we are speaking to the right people."

Read Case Study

Todd Michaud

CEO, Huloop

"OneShot paid for itself in 3 months. It delivered high quality meetings and activities within our sweet spot to accounts we never even thought about. We have more closed/won business and a growing pipeline."

Read Case Study

Todd Jenkins

VP Sales EMEA,

"OneShot allowed our SDR team to focus on high value activities like cold calling or social selling. We doubled our results without increasing hiring."

David Stout

VP Sales, Appvance

"OneShot’s ability to craft highly personalized, conversion-driving messages at scale has improved our open rates and saved my team countless hours. It’s more than a tool, it’s a game-changing strategic asset.”

Jay Madheswaran

CEO, Butler

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