
For everything outbound, prospecting, and how to sell like a human in the age of AI.

How to Find CEO Contact Information

Looking to connect with a CEO but not sure how to find their contact information? We've got you covered! From using specialized lead generation tools and social media searches to employing clever email guessing techniques, there are plenty of ways to reach out to top executives. Whether you're hoping to network, pitch a business idea, or seek advice, these strategies can help you make those valuable connections. And with the tips and tools from, you might find that getting in touch with CEOs is easier and more straightforward than you ever imagined.
Ezzedine Cherif

5 Alternatives

Searching for email addresses and want options other than This blog covers five excellent alternatives to streamline your email finding process. Whether you're in sales, marketing, or recruitment, these tools provide valuable features to help you connect with the right people efficiently. Discover which tool best fits your needs and enhances your outreach efforts.
Ezzedine Cherif

Best Cold Call Scripts for Software Sales

Cold calling in software sales comes with its own set of hurdles. This blog explores the difficulties, like finding accurate contact info and dealing with high rejection rates. It highlights why scripted template pitches no longer work and the importance of personalized scripts. Learn why customized approaches are crucial and get tips for making your calls more effective. Discover how can streamline the process and improve your cold calling success.
Ezzedine Cherif

90 Day Performance Review Templates for Sales Teams

Starting a new job can be exciting and a bit challenging, especially in sales. A 90-day performance review template helps managers see how new hires are doing, recognize their strengths, and spot areas where they might need support. By giving early feedback, companies help new employees grow, fit in with the team, and succeed long-term. This blog covers the essentials of these templates, what to include, and the benefits of using them for a smoother review process.
Ezzedine Cherif

19 Questions To Ask a Sales Manager in an Interview

Getting ready for a sales manager interview? It's all about asking the right questions! In this blog, you'll find a friendly guide to help you understand team dynamics, leadership styles, and company culture. Whether you're experienced or new to sales, these questions will help you see if the role is a great fit for you. Dive in and get the insights you need to make a smart career move!
Ezzedine Cherif

The 15 Best Sales Interview Questions [2024]

Finding the perfect sales candidate can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but the right questions can make all the difference. Dive into these essential sales interview questions designed to uncover the unique strengths, capabilities, and potential of top candidates. With these insights, you can build a powerhouse sales team and elevate your company to new heights.
Ezzedine Cherif

Top Sales Skills for Hiring Successful Sales Teams

Building a successful sales team hinges on prioritizing essential skills such as communication, empathy, and the ability to upsell. Effective goal alignment, KPI tracking, and continuous training are vital components that maintain high performance levels. Understanding the balance between hard and soft sales skills, and adapting to industry-specific demands, is crucial. By thoroughly evaluating candidates' experience and cultural fit, and utilizing the right tools along with ongoing development, you can optimize your hiring process. These strategies will ensure your sales team consistently meets and exceeds business goals.
Ezzedine Cherif

Sales Productivity Metrics: Key Indicators for Performance Tracking

Sales productivity metrics are crucial for enhancing performance and making informed decisions. Tracking these metrics helps sales teams identify areas for improvement and optimize strategies. Metrics like total revenue, CRM usage, and automation effectiveness reveal how efficiently resources are used. Utilizing strong automation and analytics tools transforms the sales process, boosting productivity and competitiveness. By focusing on these key indicators, companies can drive better performance and achieve greater success in their sales efforts.
Ezzedine Cherif

How to Hire Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)

Creating a top-performing sales team begins with selecting the right Sales Development Representatives (SDRs). These individuals are essential to your sales process, tasked with identifying and qualifying potential leads. Hiring SDRs is an investment in the future success of your sales organization. Exceptional SDRs can uncover new business opportunities and maintain a robust sales funnel filled with interested prospects. Here’s how to effectively hire sales development representatives, from understanding their role to refining the hiring process and beyond.
Ezzedine Cherif

Sales Onboarding Best Practices

Sales onboarding is crucial for cultivating a successful and unified sales team. An effective onboarding process empowers new hires to become confident and productive from the outset, significantly impacting overall sales performance and team morale. By adhering to best practices, companies can optimize sales outcomes, reduce turnover, and foster a collaborative team environment.
Ezzedine Cherif

Outreach x Power Up Your Sequences with AI

We’ve just released a mind-blowing integration that lets you add a big AI layer to your sequences. Now, we analyse your sequences, contacts and e-mails on Outreach, and then create a deep-research on each prospect. But that’s not all.
Ezzedine Cherif

How to Read a 10-k for Prospecting

Diving into the financial details of public companies? The 10-K report is your essential guide, packed with critical insights for effective B2B prospecting. This detailed document, mandated by the SEC since 1934, offers everything from audited financials to strategic narratives that can help tailor your approach and elevate your pitches from basic overviews to targeted proposals.
Ezzedine Cherif

How to do Account Based Marketing

Discover how to execute an effective ABM strategy that targets and engages your most valuable business customers with precision, turning every interaction into an opportunity for growth.
Ezzedine Cherif

22 AI Sales and Prospecting Prompts For Building Qualified Pipeline

It can be hard to know where to get started with AI, let alone how to effectively incorporate it into your tried-and-tested prospecting workflow. If you're feeling a bit lost, consider these 22 sales and prospecting prompts your jumping off point into the wild world of AI in sales.
Dan Moran

The Best AI Prospecting Tools for Automating Outbound

There are tons of AI prospecting tools on the market and more arriving every day. This guide provides an overview of the major players and must-have AI tools in any modern outbound sales team's tech stack.
Dan Moran

How to Automate Prospect Research With AI

Prospect research is an essential component of successful sales prospecting. However that doesn't change the fact that it's mind-numbingly dull and time consuming. This post shares how to use AI to automate prospect research, complete with purpose-built prompts you can steal.
Dan Moran

How To Use AI To Understand What Any Company Does

B2B companies are hard to understand. Their products are technical and their websites are filled with industry jargon. But you need to understand what a company does if you want to successfully prospect into it. These prompts will help you understand what any company does in minutes.
Gautam Rishi

Prompt Engineering for Sales 101: How to Use AI to Supercharge Prospecting

Prompt engineering may seem intimidating, but it’s not as scary as it sounds. This article explains the basics of writing great prompts and provides tips and tactics on how to get better responses that’ll supercharge your prospecting.
Dan Moran

How To Build the Ultimate Sales Prospecting Tech Stack

The market is flooded with prospecting tools and technology. But there are only really six foundational pieces of tech you need to build a lean and efficient prospecting tech stack.
Gautam Rishi

9 Best Intent Data Providers for B2B Sales Teams in 2024

Looking to incorporate intent data into your sales tech stack but not sure where to start? We tracked down the top intent data providers, compared their key features, and analyzed what really sets them apart from the rest—so you don’t have to.
Dan Moran

How to Cure Happy Ears Once And For All

The most common reason behind closed-lost deals won’t show up in the CRM, but it’s a notorious deal killer nonetheless. In this post,’s Director of Sales, Jake Carter, shares three strategies for beating happy ears for good.
Jake Carter

Outbound Sales Email: Ultimate Guide for 2024

This is the only guide to outbound sales emails you need to read in 2024. Cold email is at a turning point. There’s more inbox noise than ever. This guide walks you through how to break through it and dominate with your cold outreach.
Dan Moran

How to Hire a Remote Sales Team

Remote selling is the new normal for a lot of revenue teams. But is it right for every business? This article explores the pros and cons of remote sales teams, how to build one, and how to manage remote sales reps.
Dan Moran

2024 Guide to Cold Calling Lead Generation

Cold calling lead generation is a critical component of a successful outbound sales strategy. This guide will explain how and why cold calling complements a multichannel prospecting approach that appeals to modern buyers.
Dan Moran

How to Transform 3 Common Intent Signals Into Opportunities with AI

Revealing intent is one thing. Actioning it is another. In this post we'll explain how to use take three common intent signals and use them to create hyper relevant and personalized outreach.
Gautam Rishi

How AI SDRs Will Impact Sales Development in 2024

Will 2024 be the year of the AI SDR? While the sales development role may seem like the first in line to be automated, the reality is a little more nuanced. Read on to learn what the rise of AI in sales means for SDRs.
Dan Moran

Why the Google Crackdown Is the End of Cold Email As We Know It

Google and Yahoo's strict new requirements for bulk senders come into effect February 2024. Here's why they'll fundamentally change cold prospecting and what Sales teams need to do to survive.
Gautam Rishi

Why You Should Never Buy Email Marketing Lists (And How to Build Yours for Free)

Buying email marketing lists is a tempting shortcut to get campaigns off the ground. But is it worth it? This article will explain why buying lists is never a good idea, plus share innovative methods for dominating your email outreach.
Dan Moran

Cold Email Copywriting: How to Write Sales Emails That Convert

Cold email copywriting is an essential business skill for any sales professional. Mastering it gets you on the fast track to unlocking more booked meetings, more pipeline, and more career opportunities. This article will show you how.
Dan Moran

How To Use AI To Validate a New Market Entry

In today's volatile sales landscape, diversifying into new markets is key. Doing so is a challenge for any sales leader, but AI presents an opportunity to can quickly test the viability of entering a new market. Here’s how.
Dan Moran

Top 10 RevOps Experts to Follow for Actionable Advice

RevOps is on the rise, but staying updated is challenging. This article lists the 10 top RevOps experts offering valuable insights to navigate this dynamic field.
Dan Moran

7 Next-Gen Sales Tech Tools RevOps Should Know About

Discover the next generation of B2B sales tech tools revolutionizing RevOps. From AI-powered prospecting platforms to fully customizable CRMs, these innovative solutions optimize the sales process, enhance engagement, and drive efficiency.
Dan Moran

3 AI Strategies for RevOps Pros To Streamline Outbound

From ChatGPT-written cold emails to in-depth prospect research at the click of a button to entire outbound workflows built with AI… It’s an exciting time to be a revenue professional. But how much of the noise is just that—noise?
Dan Moran
2023-08-01 Raises $2.2M in Seed Funding To Power Fully Autonomous Outbound Sales Prospecting

Exciting times at OneShot! We’ve secured our seed funding from some truly great investors and partners. Read what we plan to do with it, and what’s coming next, right here.
Gautam Rishi

The Ultimate Guide To Email Deliverability for Sales Pros

Email delivery is the silent workhorse that powers prospecting campaigns. Yet it’s often overlooked. This post breaks down what email deliverability is and why it matters.
Dan Moran

Outbound Is Broken. Here’s Why (and How To Fix It).

Outbound sales is broken: it fails businesses, salespeople, and customers. The human touch is gone, reduced to a numbers game. Burnout, damaged reputations, and lost customers follow. But AI offers a chance to fix it.
Gautam Rishi

6 Steps to Skyrocket Your Cold Email Response Rates

Boost B2B sales with our 6-step cold email strategy: research, personalization, and a relatable pitch for game-changing email marketing.
Dan Moran

LinkedIn vs Email: A Cold Outreach Comparison

Explore the LinkedIn vs. Email debate for cold outreach. Uncover the pros and cons of each channel and learn how to leverage them effectively for successful B2B communication.
Dan Moran

12 SDR Influencers You Should Be Following on LinkedIn

Discover the 12 LinkedIn SDR influencers you should be following. Gain insights, tips, and inspiration from these industry experts to supercharge your sales development game.
Dan Moran

19 Questions To Ask a Sales Manager in an Interview

Getting ready for a sales manager interview? It's all about asking the right questions! In this blog, you'll find a friendly guide to help you understand team dynamics, leadership styles, and company culture. Whether you're experienced or new to sales, these questions will help you see if the role is a great fit for you. Dive in and get the insights you need to make a smart career move!
Ezzedine Cherif

The 15 Best Sales Interview Questions [2024]

Finding the perfect sales candidate can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but the right questions can make all the difference. Dive into these essential sales interview questions designed to uncover the unique strengths, capabilities, and potential of top candidates. With these insights, you can build a powerhouse sales team and elevate your company to new heights.
Ezzedine Cherif

Ready to put your outbound on autopilot?